Monday 27 February 2012

Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation Q4
by: tashaw186

Q5-How did you attract or address your audience?

Q6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Q6
by: tashaw186

Q7 - Looking Back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

View more PowerPoint from tashaw_186

Audience Feedback

I decided to audience feedback on facebook as this allows me to show my work and to get feedback by different people who may not necessarily take media as a course and then this means they are looking at my work soley as a potential customer.

Comments on my Final piece Front Cover:

These are the comments on my Contents Page:
  • I think it is good the only comment i would make is that it seemed a little crammed maybe spreading it over 2 pages would have been beneficial but then again i do apreciate there is then more space to fill, all in all, good job :)
  • this looks gereat nice variety of pictures used and nice variety of articles. layout looks great and the colour scheme looks awesome, good job :D
These are the comments on my Double page Spread:

This is also another piece of feedback that i was given: the front cover is good, I like how its arranged and the title looks professional, I like the blue vs white around the picture and it reminds me of like the rolling stone or something like that. The centrefold, I wouldve said to blend the pictures better with the text, like maybe have the text box stylised, I dunno, but on the positive the title looks good and the picture is nice, also the black vs red looks professional in the article. Annnnd, I like the red boxes on the contents (but the top one is out of line and my OCD is going insane xD) different font for the features is good. Laaaaaast thing, I wouldve said to use like a single image or cut them together like the guitarist dudes guitar over the band picture or something like that. Overall though they're professional and I like it :)